Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cold and blustery

What a delight to discover that the hens could get outside and find some green shoots to peck at. They have truly had a remarkable winter surviving with minimum care and good health. They are all fluffy and strong and they are truly good layers. I have ten and my weekly total last week was 31 eggs. That's more than 4 a day. This week they have already laid 16 and have 3 1/2 days to go! They love to be out an about wandering and scratching. The blustery wind does not seem to be bothering them at all. They will be included in the move and probably they will get a much cozier shelter than they have now.

On another note I did the taxes yesterday. We owed federal but overpaid state. The net tax owed, figuring in the refund, was $8.99! It is the first time in 30 years we have owed any taxes. God is so good.

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