Monday, April 30, 2007

My handmade dolls

My handmade dolls, originally uploaded by mabeane6.

To Mother With Love


Pieces of you
Are pieces of me...
But remembered.

You gave me life.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Mae, originally uploaded by mabeane6.

I have been having a lot of fun making dolls. This one is on my Etsy for sale.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Chickens can swim

My dog, Zoe, decided to run free after the dog walk and had herself a hen chase. One of them jumped right into the back pond and swam to the middle. I was impressed. I had no idea chickens could swim. After corralling Zoe I went back to the pond. The hen stayed put in the pond. However the extreme circumstances and apparently the cold water did her in and she died. I feel so sad. She was so brave and able to do something no one's heard of (swim) and yet she couldn't mount one last effort to get out of the pond to safety. And of course she would have none of my help either.

I often feel like that hen, able to do unheard of things, only to fail to do the last thing that would put me when I needed to be. "I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help comes from the Lord."

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dog walk

I decided to take the "girls" for a walk, more for me to get myself moving than for them. I was very breezy until we got to the woods. Down the hill we went into "our" forest. There was still patches of snow on the ground where the sun hadn't reached and in other places there was a lot of water. I dream/ fantasize about building down there but know perhaps at my age this is too far fetched. There is no way to get electricity there and it is far from the road, all down hill. But every time I go there I think the same thing. "Wouldn't it be nice to have a small cottage here, with a few goats, some chickens and a kitchen garden. " Ah, Dreams.

My DD waited it out...I am so glad. She is in love (but denying it) and her fellow is a doctor. He had three intense weeks of duty and asked her to give him some space. She was sure he was trying to "dump" her and impatient to bug him about his intentions. Both her father and I encouraged her to be patient. He was a good guy and very cautious and serious. She merited a lot of thought on his part. Last night he was up for air from his intense schedule and they spent the time together. Patience is what it takes, for sure.

I know I need to be patient. Mostly with myself and my expectations of myself. God is NOT asjing me to be concerned about all the things I find myself concerned with. He is in charge.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Taste of summer

Last week it snowed mightily. This week it is 80 degrees. What is going on! Everywhere green is trying to break out. I am so happy that the weather has turned.

I just spent an hour on the road only to discover that I couldn't access my computer. So no work could be done. I turned around and drove home wondering if I had missed God's promptings. I am so distracted I need to refocus and do some basic things to calm my mind. An hour of homekeeping might do the trick so that's where I'll begin.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Woodpecker in the fruit tree.

P1030439_edited, originally uploaded by mabeane6.

Miss Molly photo shoot

Miss Molly photo shoot, originally uploaded by mabeane6.

A New Adventure

Yesterday I began a new adventure. I started doll making for real! I visited a dollmaker, got some instructions and some patterns and completed my first cloth doll. I am well onto the second one and have cloth cut out for 4 more. I don't know where this adventure will go but I am looking forward to the journey.


momsun, originally uploaded by Amity Beane.

Friday, April 20, 2007

My youngest kids

The youngest are going to be visiting us together this weekend. It will be the first time in a long time and I know we will have fun together. They are the youngest of six and are only 13 months age difference. Both were born at home. Both were homeschooled. Both are over 30 and well into adulthood with relationships and family other than us. A mutual friend is quietly getting married so they will be here for that.

We enjoyed raising these two and love watching them interact with each other. They are as different as night and day and bounce off each other. Our son is quiet and serious, a law and order type of guy, very cautious. Our daughter is vibrant and 'full of it' and always pushing the edges to see what's possible in a positive way. They are good for each other.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Emmett weighed 10 lbs

Emmett weighed 10 lbs, originally uploaded by TalithaLawyer.

Cold and blustery

What a delight to discover that the hens could get outside and find some green shoots to peck at. They have truly had a remarkable winter surviving with minimum care and good health. They are all fluffy and strong and they are truly good layers. I have ten and my weekly total last week was 31 eggs. That's more than 4 a day. This week they have already laid 16 and have 3 1/2 days to go! They love to be out an about wandering and scratching. The blustery wind does not seem to be bothering them at all. They will be included in the move and probably they will get a much cozier shelter than they have now.

On another note I did the taxes yesterday. We owed federal but overpaid state. The net tax owed, figuring in the refund, was $8.99! It is the first time in 30 years we have owed any taxes. God is so good.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Spring will come.

september 022, originally uploaded by mabeane6.

Crossbill returns

Crossbill returns, originally uploaded by mabeane6.

Storm after storm

The last few days of storm after storm left me wondering what's with this kooky weather. I am not depressed. All the weather will take away the piles of unusual spring snow. Under that snow is grass quickly greening up. If the ground can absorb all the water it will be planting time before we know it.

I have been thinking about where God wants me next. We have again put our home on the market. I am unbelievably calm. I sense in my spirit that it will sell. This, of course, means a new season in our lives. DH and I are already beginning that new season with almost 'newlywed' like behavior.

I know that soon the slowing down will begin in earnest but right now it doesn't feel like that will be anytime soon.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Civic Duty

Today I spent an 8 hour plus day on the courthouse. I had been selected for jury duty! 150 of us gathered and waited while 7 juries were chosen to be there for the next two weeks. What an interesting mix of people were called. I know that a jury of your peers means just that but it was funny to see how closely the chosen ones resembled the person on trial! We lived in a very poor county and the folks in the room looked the part. The men had to be told to remove their hats in the courtroom. Besides being poorly dressed, dirty, ripped clothing, muddy rubber boots ,sweats and jeans many of them bordered on obese, a problem with the rural poor. The cases to be tried were drinking/drugs and driving, alcohol related domestic abuse and taking undersized lobsters ( a crime in this state.) I felt sorry for the lobster guy. He was representing himself, was poorly dressed for court and probably didn't do this "crime" willfully...good thing I wasn't chosen for that jury. (You are NOT supposed to make up your mind in advance!)

I sometimes feel like I am struggling. But when I go into this type of situation I realize how much God has blessed me and has His hand on my life. I have a wonderful husband. I have enough of worldly goods to feel comfortable and I have a terrific family.

That's why I named this blog , All I have needed, Thy Hand has provided, GREAT is Thy faithfulness...

All I Have needed

...Thy Hand has provided. God is so good. I have another blog called Life Lessons at this address. where I share my life and crafts done at Jan's studio.